Gateway Laptop Power Supply TroubleShooting

The amazing gateway laptop power supply troubleShooting tips and tricks. To a normal Gate Way Laptop, there are usual signs to show that the laptop is in a good working condition.

When you switch on the laptop, the first thing that one notices is the lights to special keys light. Almost immediately, the fan whizzing sound is heard.

Repairing Tips for Gateway Laptop Power Supply TroubleShooting

When none of the two is seen or heard, that's a red light that your Gate Way laptop power supply is either not functioning or the battery has reached its full lifetime. However, one can always test the functionality of his laptop computer by following the following easy steps.

  • The wall switch- A standard power supply troubleshooting starts with the wall power supply. Check whether the switch is one.

If so and still no power signs, try another power wall switch. Negative response might means the problem is within the laptop power system itself.

  • Power adapter functionality: this should be your second stop. The adapter might be supplying low voltage to your laptop.

You can check the voltage with your voltmeter and get the metrics. If your adapter is okay, you move on to the third stop.

  • If the power adapter is good, then the power supply problem must be within the laptop itself.

You can find this out by checking the power jack. You can replace it with a new jack and switch on the wall switch. If your laptop doesn't exhibit any forms of life then the problem lies squarely on the motherboard.

Test individual components. The motherboard is the heart of your computer. Test the hard drive, DVD drive and the battery separately with your voltmeter. All the three, two or one might have some defects. Replace the non-responsive component or repair it.

The above steps are the standard power check on a non-functioning Gate Way laptop. In case the monitor lights dim then the problem might be with the video cable. If you can't find solution on the given steps, take your laptop to an IT specialist for further diagnosis.

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